Reply to the daily prompt:
Golden Key

You’ve been given a key that can open one building, room, locker, or box to which you don’t normally have access. How do you use it, and why?

Things got stuck
Everything seemed out of control
Life became a mess
Times since I got the caress

I was put to test
Expected to be the best
Burdened to rise above the Rest

Then the tide turned
Horizon drew a line of hope
Discarded every thought of ‘nope’
Hurrah!!! – I got the key to hope

No height seemed too much high
Spirit revved to give everything a try
‘I’ gave a sense of ‘We’
I became an all new me

Key was the spirit
Key was the boost
That was no less than Heroic
Unlocking the key I transformed into Stoic

Other posts for the same daily prompt challenge


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