Reply to the daily prompt :

Good Tidings

Present-day you meets 10-years-ago you for coffee. Share with your younger self the most challenging thing, the most rewarding thing, and the most fun thing they have to look forward to.

Hello Rahul….How are You?….How you are doing these days? I start with a round of general introductory questions. But, I am shocked of not getting any reply. I am watching the boy sitting on the other side of the table, trying hard to speak,even utter a word but after all the melo-drama – He can’t. I was just about to apologise, but all of a sudden – A Hello!!!!

Indeed a very mild start to our conversation. With the thought of the boy being frightened, I changed my approach about talking to such a child who has too many fears to even utter a single word. Finally after talking for sometime I realised that the child “suffered” from stammering. The word in inverted commas has been with me since ages but I have always defied it and mocked at its face.

After realising that the child bore all the pressures in a surrounding that was full of domestic violence, hardships and the problem that stood on the top : Stammering. What it feels like when you take the centre stage and no sound comes from mic; rather sounds of mockery and joy fill in from other side of the stage. What it feels like to remain in a severely violence struck house and still go everyday and realise your full potential through your deeds.

I want to teach him that the biggest challenge lies within. The Challenge – When your inner being will fight with your outer being. You will be made to show an entirely different you. And, in case, the child wanted to remain the same, he would have to be the bearer of all the pain caused on account of it.

But above all this, I want to tell him that one day you’ll be among the few in India( 2nd most populous nation) and that day you’ll realise that you have turned the world upside down; not only yours but for others too. I really want to say him that you will perform and you’ll show not to world but to yourself that you have the mettle. For this achievement,you’ll have to pay, you’ll suffer the hardest time of your life, strive to see your grandma(everything in life) but will never see her. The last thing that’ll come is the Silver Lining and You’ll Be The One

After this Joy will be your constant companion always and you’ll have a family of friends and dear ones. And finally ,the true source of joy will come when you’ll witness the manifestation of your lost loved one in the best person you’ll meet till date. You’ll stay with the person not for now but for eternity to share, care and love.

Finally I want to say one thing I know myself now and I knew myself back then. I was a Child only by definition and became grown up even before being recognised as a child. But I always whispered to myself : I’ll break the shell , I’ll come out of it ….Rise from the Hell….I’ll come out of it.

Other Posts in response to the Daily Prompt Challenge: 

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